A review of Arthur the Rescue Horse and Our Elderly Horse, Penny.

3 years ago

Trying to get that last bit of weight on Arthur. He has plenty of lush pasture and high fat and protein hard feed; copra, soy bean meal, lucerne chaff, plus supplements.
I'm surprised it's been so hard to get him to an ideal weight.
Penny is with him and she's clearly enjoying the peace, as they are the lowest horses of the herd and now she can relax and enjoy scratches without worrying about being pushed off by a higher horse. The rest of the herd is just over the fence, so they are not alone. It's the best of both worlds. Horsey company without the stress of being pushed on and bitten or kicked by the other horses if they're not quick enough.
#RescueHorses #RescueDogs #RescueCats

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