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15 seconds

James Corbett

2 years ago

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James catches up with James Corbett and they discuss the psy-ops that we're all currently experiencing. They talk about the predator class, how we're all being manipulated into a 1984 state of never ending panic and how those who, two months ago couldn't point to Ukraine on a map, are suddenly flying blue and yellow flags and screaming for Russian blood. It’s a great episode - enjoy...

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  • 0/2000
  • it's not 'Russia -vs- Ukraine' nor is it even 'Russia -vs- USA' - because USA, the so-called superpower, is in reality as much of a puppet as is Ukraine. In reality, there is nothing and nobody who is representing or protecting the interests of either the Ukrainian or the American people. the governments of both have been captured by 'the predator class', the satanists, who are now using them to drive through their nefarious agendas.

  • Awesome 😎 Thé second coming of JC 🙂

  • Where do we turn except to Jesus Christ? Read the Bible to find out more about Him, particularly Revelation. He is our Saviour. He's coming back to this world. Let's be ready for Him.

  • Glad to see the two of you back again. I will point out that when James C suggests more than one option for solution, whilst simultaneously relating to the parallel economy, I do have a different perspective that is based on ensuring we do not give up that which we created and paid for. It's long winded, but the most recent video does have an overview : https://rumble.com/vyl79h-scs-episode-69.-i-walk-the-line.html The channel itself is taking you through a week by week step phase of all confounders (https://rumble.com/c/c-576327). I do see a place for the parallel economy, but I see that more as a tool to force the solution I am proposing, which is more of a long term, evidence based proposition. The key really is that we spend so much time juggling all the information to identify all tentacles of the agenda, rather than answering what I call the 'then what' question, which equates to what you both alluded to, and presenting that alternative of what we really want from a practical perspective.

  • This was a great interview. Keep posting, Delingpole.

  • WOW!!! JC is a Geordie!!! wowzers!!!! Wonderful show James and James :-)

  • Corbett is the best

  • I live 2/5th of not far from James ..in act I've cycled through his town a few times,,,next time I might ask if I could make a nuance of my self

    1 like
  • Fantastic answer to the "does this have a happy ending" question....

    1 like
  • Is The Corbett Report on Rumble now?

    1 like
  • Andrew Torba on gab.com is creating an alternative system, I still subscribe to JD on subscribe star

    1 like
  • Not to worry... just remember that "ALL" Wars Are Bankers Wars and there's F-All we can do about them...

    1 like
  • I have missed James Corbett! Great interview. Brilliant!

    1 like
  • The final solution!……..The reason jibjabs contain Graphene Oxide it ignites and expands when microwaves are introduced. The military machine have powerful microwave weapons under aircraft…….no bombs no destruction just flying overhead and a population down to the NWO five hundred million.

    1 like
  • Look into Sweden🧐

    1 like