Save The Date & Join Us

2 years ago

Save The Date & Join Us

Hello brothers and sisters and Heartdwellers family. I am so excited to share this vision and our first Heartdwellers event with you. t

This vision was given to me more than three years ago in prayer. We had organized a pro-life event outside at a park. There were many attendees and activities going on. The main attraction was the Healing Room which was a prayer tent. I saw women entering the tent who have had abortions, lost their child or had a miscarriage. Then they were led by our prayer team into using their sanctified imagination to go enter into the memory of their pain and actually meet with Jesus and see their child. I saw many women breaking down crying and receiving so much freedom from the guilt and shame they carried. Then they were taken to the second part of the healing room where there was a prayer team ready consisting of 1 adult and one child in each row.

I saw all my siblings and my nieces and nephews there as well. When the women would come up to receive prayer the child would have their hands open to receive them first and say, "You are forgiven and hug them" and I saw many women breaking down in tears on this alone as they were hugged by the children and the adult who would pray over the women. It was such an amazing vision that I tucked away in my heart.

I decided recently to make a rhema card out of it and put it in deck of cards knowing that when I pulled the card out it would be the proper time for me to do this event. I pulled it the card at the end of December when I thought I was going to Ghana. I was so flabbergasted because I thought Lord I am leaving and how is this to happen. I assumed in the vision I had years ago I was in Texas because all my family and nieces and nephews where there as well

We discerned and the Lord made it clear that he wants us to do this event in Taos, I was even more blown away wondering how is this going to happen. However, when the Lord gives a vision and says to move forward with it, he brings all the pieces together and he has, I now have my family on board to be a part of this. Blessed Mother gave us the name of the event which is called "Life from Light" from

James 1:17 Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.

It is a free family-friendly and fun event to celebrate the gift of life that begins in the womb and we desire it to become an annual celebration. This event is an opportunity to bring mothers and parents together from all walks of life and lavish Gods' love on them. We want to touch mothers and fathers in Taos and the surrounding areas who carry the pain and guilt of aborting a child, losing a child or having a miscarriage experience God's freedom through the Healing Room.

We will provide free food and have a cotton candy and popcorn maker. Bounce house for the children. There will be powerful speakers who will share their stories. Activities consisting of music, poetry/spoken word performers, were looking into getting a children choir to perform, intercession , face painting, and a balloon release where we will write a name on the balloon in remembrance of a lost child or aborted baby to let them know they are not nameless or faceless as we release the balloons to heaven. This event will help bring the reality of how precious life is and how children truly are a gift from the Lord to give expecting mothers much hope for the future. We will also provide goodie bags for every attended and free t-shirts

The Goal and objective of this event is to bring healing to women and men who carry guilt, shame, fear, and pain from the act of abortion. To bring awareness of the sanctity and value of life. For all women to see the honor and value in being a mother. To have all attendees encounter the tangible presence of God's love

Why are we sharing it with you Heartdwellers because we are inviting each of you out to join us for this event. Many have desired to visit the refuge or even meet Mother Clare and the family. There will not be trips to the mountain this time however we would love to have all of you save the date and make this a family trip to come out and join us in this event. Also, we need you! We are so in need of helping hands, volunteers to be a part of the prayer team with your children and we know this family is gifted with talents Do you do poetry or even have your own story to share and you can relate to these mothers than become one of the speakers of the event. Do you have some products or resources that would be really valuable for those who attend, then become a vendor and we can provide you a free vendor table for this event?

We are going to try to working out a deal with one of the local hotels so all Heartdwellers guest can stay in the same place. So, once we have the details, we will let you know and we will be posting another message once the event gets closer. If you think you just can make, but would like to help with the event you can donate!

We have to put 300 goodie bags together for the event and provide bags of loves for expecting Mothers. You can donate gently used children clothes, and new infant items. We also have surprise raffle at the event where we want to provide paintings done by Heartdwellers to give to the attendees, the theme of the painting should bring them joy about being a parent or bring healing to their hearts so be creative all Heartdwellers artist if it's not too much to ask we will take sketch, painting, on canvas or just paper it doesn't have to be framed or you can send in your artwork digitally by email and we will print it out, just make sure the pixels are high resolution.

And of course, you can always donate to help us cover the cost. Just send in your donation and memo "Life from Light event". You have been so generous to give to all the new projects and even communities that are being fundraised for. We so appreciate it! So, save the date and join us. We need your help and would love to meet you and your families face to face.

If you're interested in getting involved in anyway and attending the event please email: or so we can have head count and began communicating with you. If you can donate items Please mail it to P.O. Box 1113 Taos NM 87571 and if you are sending a picture of your artwork online just email to us.

God bless you family and I can't wait to see you!

Do you enjoy seeing messages from Jesus???

These messages are also posted on Bitchute:
Still Small Voice (

These messages are also posted on Brighteon:

Please visit our website for over 1,000 more, with Pdf’s and MP3’s of the messages
and many other benefits, like a Rhema page, Testimonies, Outreach, Books and more!

NOTE: We now have an email account dedicated for Prayer, Questions, and Serious Concerns that you wish to keep private. One member of our Team and volunteered to monitor this new email address until the new website is up and running. Here is that address:
We now have a link for you to bookmark the entire listing of Albums, with clickable hyperlinks TO the Albums. We are hoping this makes finding out what is available, as well as finding them, easier for you all. Open this and save as a Bookmark. That’s it!

Link to file:
OUR MUSIC SITE can now be found at this link:
These books, CDs and art are being moved into the public domain, but until then you may copy and distribute at cost only, not for profit, anything I have created with the Lord's help. He has freely given, who can copyright the words of the Lord and make of them an item of profit and commerce? My heart is that all should have these at no cost so you can go to our website and download them for free @
And if you have no means to purchase these write to me at, p.o. box 1113, Taos, NM 87571 and I will send you whatever I have on hand at your request. The Love of Jesus be with you. - Clare du Bois

This video is OUR heart here - as He gives to us, we can give to others:

For a compilation of all of the references and teachings about the DOME OF THE ROCK:

Our itunes page:
Chronicles of the Bride Book at SmashWords:
Chronicles of the Bride Book at Amazon:
Chronicles of the Bride Book free PDF:

DONATE HERE: or by mail: HeartDwellers.Inc, P.O. Box 1113, Taos, New Mexico, 87571 We are a full-time ministry and appreciate the kind and generous hearts that are able to contribute to our ministry. May the Lord bless you a hundred-fold, both now and in the age to come. You can't out-give the Lord! May He enfold you in His Loving Arms.

We are now a non-profit organization. Tax receipts for 2017 will be available, but not immediately. Please consider an extension on filing to allow our staff time to prepare all the necessary paperwork.

You can buy a hard copy of Chronicles of the Bride on Amazon
or use the free download on our web site.

We have other books, as well as, Love Letters To My Bride, 1, 2, 3 and The Rapture WAS Real?!, Tethered and Rhema...

Dear Family,
We now have a blog just for you to post your experiences and read about others who are coming into intimate relationship with Jesus. We'd love to hear about Him touching you at prayer time, or visions you have had with Him, going to Heaven, etc.
Love you all so very dearly…you are such a consolation to Ezekiel and I.

Our Blog:

We can also be found on the following social media outlets:
Our FB page:
Our Instagram page:
Our Twitter Page:
Our SoundCloud Page:

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