Climatology is a Joke - Nobel Laureate Dr Kary Mullis

2 years ago

Nobel Laureate Dr. Kary Mullis is correct in his assessment of the current state of climate science, describing it as a "Joke".
As he correctly points out, there is no scientific evidence whatever that our CO2 is, or can ever "drive" climate change.
There is also no published empirical scientific evidence that any CO2, whether natural or man-made, causes warming in the troposphere.

Mullis earned a Bachelor of Science (BS) degree in chemistry from the Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta in 1966, he then received a PhD in biochemistry from the University of California, Berkeley in 1973.
His Nobel Prize was awarded in 1993.

CO2 is to plants as Oxygen is to Mammals.

About CO2
Carbon dioxide (CO2) is the principal gas that trees and other plants need to survive, just like oxygen (O2) is the principal gas that humans and other animals require. Trees absorb
CO2 and release O2 — animals inhale O2 and exhale CO2. See how nice this all works!

CO2 is NOT a pollutant.
“Carbon is the building block for all life on earth. It provides all of the food and most the energy for the human race. Carbon dioxide is a tiny part of the atmosphere, yet it sustains all life on earth. It is NOT a pollutant. To be anti-carbon is to be anti-life and anti-human”.
– Viv Forbes, Pasture Manager, Soil Scientist and Geologist

Can You Guess How Much CO2 is Mankind Responsible For? -

CO2 in the Atmosphere
Here are the simple facts. Earth’s atmosphere consists of the following gases at the following levels:
Nitrogen (N) – 78%
Oxygen (O) – 21%
Argon (Ar) – 0.9%
Trace Gases – 0.1%
So far, so good. CO2 is a gas in such small concentrations that it hasn’t yet entered the picture.

Humanity’s Contribution to CO2 Levels
To recap: Trace gases are 0.1% of the atmosphere, and carbon dioxide makes up 3-4% of these trace gases, so therefore CO2 is 3-4% of 0.1%.
For simplicity’s sake, let’s call it 3%, so CO2 comprises 0.003% of the atmosphere.

Plants make oxygen through a process called photosynthesis. Oxygen is produced as a waste product for the plant as the plant makes its own food. Photosynthesis literally
means "making things with light.

roughly one-third (28%) of the Earth's oxygen in the atmosphere is produced by plants.

It would be impossible for life on earth to exist without carbon. Carbon is the main component of sugars, proteins, fats, DNA, muscle tissue, pretty much everything in your body. The reason carbon is so special is down to the electron configuration of the
individual atoms

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