Shotgun Sally 💿 Demo (Full 3-Song CD EP). Grand Rapids, Michigan Rock Punk, 2008.

3 years ago

Shotgun Sally 💿 Demo (Full 3-Song CD EP). Grand Rapids, Michigan Rock Punk, 2008.

Circa 2008, this demo CD comes from the Grand Rapids, Michigan Rock Punk band Shotgun Sally. They played 1 Ripped Heart show on September 27, 2008 with Desiring Dead Flesh, The Yuck Yucks, Joker of the Catalyst, Act as One, Matt Moore, Alongcameashark, The Tremblors, Black Market Surgery, and Truth be Told.

1. Change It (0:00)
2. Hey Boy (3:06)
3. Since When (6:34)

Band Members:

Archived in 2021 by Scene and Unseen Archiving as a part of The Ripped Heart Collection. Shotgun Sally can be found in Michigan music history book Punk The Way I Remember It: Flyer Art of Ripped Heart Productions (2020) along with hundreds of other local and national bands.

Punk The Way I Remember It Flyer Art of Ripped Heart Productions:

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