The Vaccine binds your Soul to the Underworld. Psychic Insights from a Shamanic Healer and a Monk

2 years ago

Sources: "What Happens With The Fully Jabbed? More Insight! Soul Entrapment, DNA Damage & More!"
"Father Savvas Agioritis: What is to Come for Those Who are Inoculated"
"I held a session with a person who had received the first and second doses of „the shot“. I had already treated this person energetically, but I did not know that she had taken „the shot“. When I started the treatment, I immediately noticed the change, very heavy energy coming from their subtle bodies. The scariest thing was when I worked on the heart chakra, I connected with her soul, so she was detached from the physical body, she had no contact and it was as if she was floating in a state of total confusion. A damage of the consciousness that loses contact with the physical part, that is with our biological machine, there is no more communication between them. During the treatment, this soul told me that it no longer felt the body and had the impression of floating in a deep malaise. The energy I was working with, the energy of their energy field, was very heavy, and you could feel these substances that are very stressful for the subtle bodies.I continued the treatment by sending light to the heart chakra, that is, to the soul of the person, but it seemed that the soul could no longer receive light, frequency or energy. It was a very powerful experience for me. Then I understood that this substance is in fact used to detach the consciousness, so that this consciousness can no longer interact through this body that it has in life, where there is no more contact, no more frequency, no more light, no more energetic balance or spirit. Then I started crying for that soul because it was something that touched me deeply, a very powerful experience. I didn't say anything to the person because I didn't know how to say it and if they would have understood.I realized that it's not just polluting the subtle bodies or the physical body, but it's something that has to do with our soul. The purpose is to damage and try to destroy the contact with consciousness. What Rudolf Steiner said is exactly that. It is not just about damaging the immune system.“

Update - Second treatment of the person: „There was another change and again a deterioration, both in severity and in the energy that transmits their energy field, but most importantly there was a very significant decrease in frequency. At present, he does not show any physical symptoms on the physical body. As for the situation that manifests on the energetic level and especially the soul, it was confirmed that the soul was expelled from the physical body, it is still bound by the so-called cord, but it confirms that it no longer interacts with the physical, emotional and mental body, there is no longer any kind of communication. The soul is no longer able to manage these three bodies, to continue its process of incarnation and evolution, precisely because this contact has been interrupted." *Natalie Schaevers, [03/23/2021 at 8:39 pm]

Read: "Moksha from Earth" about the lighttrap:
"Archons rule Earth" about the 7 planetary rulers:
"Dark Side of Jesus" about John, the true Christos:

Watch: "Jesus was a Usurper",-John-the-Baptist-was-the-True-Christ.-The-Johannite-Tradition.:9

Watch: "The Templar Revelation",-Clive-Prince---The-Templar-Revelation.-Secret-Guardians-of-the-Identity-of-Christ:f

!!! MUST WATCH - Psychic project on "Freedom from Soul-Loosh Harvesting"!!!

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