Householder in California: addicted to the American way of life.

2 years ago

If you want to see what a good householder looks like: (look at what goes in South Africa too!)

Morning Shot
35.7K subscribers

He thinks he doesn't understand libertarianism, but he does- he is a bit confused, but he does the virtuous think Roman. The hero of the security of all the people in South Africa (and he calls it, like he sees it- but someone put in the time to school him, and he learned to take it like a champ).

admission: I still have no clue how to spell this guys name, I've never seen it written. If I have I didn't remember it--- some people read, some people use, some people only like, or understand the culture of a place... But proper law brings all to order. Natural and Super-natural, in their own mix of history progressing itself... into a liberation, not a hibernation of reasonableness.

Up or down-one way... forward... check out the latest Tony Leon World-view.


This is what i posted onto Roman's video (I don't know if he hides or deletes my content on his channel, but that's what happens when I am shameless, and shill for myself on his platform:)

Philosophy by Psyche
0 seconds ago
You could of added a footnote, to some Jordan Peterson Clip, that explains the different IQ's of different people, and how they are unsuited to different kinds of work... and must be barred, for public safety.... its always nice to cite an authority... there is nothing in the Constitution that restricts the use of intelligence-ism, the hiring and firing department of a company or corporation. But like you say Roman--- just another day in Paradise.... or was that just Genesis— da. da. dum!....

for more above average, 4th wall penetrating content (ie. above average: Those who have a taste for the culture), please check out my youtube channel (shameless and proud, of the last few remaining remnant of the South African indigenous White-RINO, the frog boiling pot experiment, gone into disorder and ethnical cleansing, but that doesn't matter anymore in the world today... Ukraine can ethnically its Russian Speaking peoples, and Russia just wants Khrimea... South Africa can ethnically cleanse and burn its own Constitution to the ground, every day, and everyone just calls them, Constitutional Court Judges.... lol.... LARPers, carping us into human cannibalism, in their low-IQ war of wants against those who actually believe in true Justice).

Up or Down, that is the way to class mobility... but what when the people who deserve to be at the bottom, are really conspiring to steal all the cream at the top, and feed it the people at the bottom, until there is nothing less, but the people to eat each other.

Jordan Peterson meme: if Religion is the opium of the masses, the communism is the methamphetamine of the masses--- that is what happens when your liberation struggle was experimented on by Russian espionage KGB (remnant of Nazi technology). We are in a war of wants, the top divide and rule against the bottom... there only one way forward, up or down, not left or right. Libertarianism forever!

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