Who is Black Pete?

3 years ago

Listen to the full BLACK PETE: A CHRISTMAS TALE: https://youtu.be/1rHkPBDTmzk

Learn more about Black Pete here: https://www.screamingeyepress.com/black-pete-a-christmas-tale/

Visit our website: https://radiowasteland.us

Have you ever heard of a Christmas Town? You know, those towns that always look like they are a wreath or two away from being fully Christmas decorated? Towns where, even in summer, a cloud and cool breeze are enough to bring to mind a Rockwell Christmas card? In some of those towns Christmas is real. Sometimes a feeling can become its own life, a nexus to all that believe and Christmas towns are the gateways to Christmas. Now, not all of them, mind you. Not the tourist traps and pop-up crap, but the real ones, nestled in the woods, or down a prairie lane, towns at the far turn of a mountain road, in some of those towns, Christmas is real.


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