Spring Cleaning - A Knittin' and a Frettin' Weekly Live about Music, Marriage, Fiber, and Faith

2 years ago

Join us EACH SATURDAY at HIGH NOON for "A Knittin' and a Frettin'" LIVESTREAM! See how a middle-aged couple deals with the stressors of 25 years of marriage with music and yarn. Each week we will cover knitting and guitar projects we are working on, and relationship challenges we are attempting to tackle.

This week we are hanging out and chatting about praying for one another. We also have a new art piece on Fine Art America called "Snack Time" which is a photo Emma took of a Monarch butterfly snacking on a field of mums. It can be found here: https://fineartamerica.com/featured/snack-time-mx-sisters-of-pittsburgh.html

Don't forget to sign up for our #yarnclub classes! https://forms.gle/TfouK7PHVcPgrKkT8

Find MX Sisters art at:

​We are now on Patreon! https://www.patreon.com/mxsisterscreations
A big thanks to all who sponsor us is free gifts after 3 months and 15% off our merch at Teespring! The "You are loved" line is up! find it here: https://mxsistersmerch.com

We are now on Bitchute and Rumble!

Rumble content can be found here: https://rumble.com/vwftuf-how-to-read-a-yarn-label-what-the-symbols-mean.html

Bitchute is found here: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/w1Cmj2XijeML/

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