Altiyan Childs Exposes All - Singer & Winner Of XFactor vs Knights Templar/Masonic Order!

2 years ago

[26.03.2022] (Reloaded) There is NO such thing as a Coincidence!
NORBZWORLD: 'I'm not really sure when this recorded as I've just come across it myself. As always, eat the steak and spit out the bones, this could be disinformation or obfuscation or just a push to dogma etc.

Still worth the watch even if to tickle the brain (and note I'm not religious nor do I rock with the Christianity/'god saved me' stuff but the overarching info and message is a good recap of what many have exposed already).'

#AltiyanChilds #MasonicOrder #Satanist
504 views Mar 26, 2022
NORBZWORLD - 54.1K subscribers

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