Cornerstone Evangelical Free Church Worship Service - March 27, 2022

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Sermon Begins: 38:07

Sermons by Pastor David Whitney, Senior Instructor of Institute on the Constitution and pastor of Cornerstone Evangelical Free Church in Arnold, MD.

Bible read in one year contact

SUNDAY March 27, 2022

Order of Worship
Theme: We were made with a longing for justice hardwired in our soul. When this world deviates from God’s Law there is no justice. We work for God’s Law to be obeyed and wait for Christ 2nd Advent for complete justice to be done.

Welcome & Call to Worship
“Rejoice the Lord is King” #370
“Redeemed” #356
Prayer & Children’s Story
“Standing on the Promises” #410
“I Commission You” p9 Hymns & Songs
Offering - “Amazing Grace” #343
Responsive Reading - Go And Make Disciples #473
Congregational Prayer - Send off Zolt, Brenda & family
Hearing God’s Word
“Where is Justice”- Pastor Whitney
Responding to God’s Word
“There is Power in the Blood” #329
Benediction and Postlude

Where is Justice?
38th in our series the Book of 1 Peter

I. Jesus Proclaiming Justice - 1 Peter 3:18-20
A. During the three days between death and resurrection
1. Who are these spirits in prison? - Genesis 6:5-8
a. Noah alone was a righteous man in his generation - none but his family was saved
b. God’s judgment fell upon the rest of mankind and justice was done
2. Noah’s instructions - Genesis 6:11-14
3. Noah preached to his generations - 2 Peter 2:5
B. Jesus proclaimed justice to those who during the days of Noah rejected the preaching of Noah and found themselves in hell
1. Jesus proclaimed justice - their punishment was well deserved
2. For all have sinned and the wages of sin is death - Romans 3:23 and 6:23

II. Jesus Taught Us About God’s Justice - Luke 16:19-31
A. Heaven and Hell are real, at the moment of death one is going to one place or the other
1. Hell involves torment - Matthew 25:31-33, 41-43, 46
2. It is an everlasting torment - Mark 9:42-44
3. The rich man asked for only one drop
B. There is a chasm separating heaven and hell and no one can cross from one to the other
C. The rich man’s five brothers have all they need to know their condition and their need of salvation in God’s Word
1. God is not willing that any should perish - 2 Peter 3:9
2. After suffering on the cross, Jesus went and preached - 1 Peter 3:19
3. So we should do likewise - even if it means suffering - 1 Peter 3:15-18
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Amazing Grace by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license.


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