How powerful is your Rossi RS22

3 years ago

Meet my new gun, the Rossi RS22. It has the same diameter projectile as my Model 34, being a .22LR. Although using an explosion v.s. a spring. Either is entertaining, but the Rossi RS22 's ability to make crap turn into confetti has a special pleasurer to it. I treated it like my other rifles testing it against a deck of cards, sticky notes and a bar of soap. I mounted my RWS scope on it which is a 4-40 scope. I will be putting out another video where I was sighting it in. It was having issues with firing the rounds, due to me dry firing it too often. It is a rim fire rifle. Very fun video showing the power of a 22lr in comparison to pellet guns, even more so if you watch more of my videos

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