How To Create A Fixed-term Membership Site - Automated Membership Machine

2 years ago

Hello and welcome to the automated membership machine.
In this video series I’m going to talk about how to create a fixed-term membership site, so let’s go ahead and dive right in.
This is video number one in the introduction and the tools that you’re going to need.
Now, before we get started and get the implementation process of your fixed-term membership site, I want you to get into the right mindset. I don’t want you to be concerned about the fancy membership site scripts. I know a lot of times when you create a membership site, you’re thinking, “okay what kind of membership script out there, would be good for me?” Or – and then you start looking into the membership scripts and you see how all these features are and this and that, and then when you begin to implement that script, you realize how complicated it really is.
So what I want you to do is just think, “This is the simplest form of a membership site that you can create”. A fixed-term membership site integrated with AWeber, GetResponse, or any other auto-responder service. In fact, you’re going to be amazed at how easy this is once we jump in, and you might even think to yourself, “wow! Is this really it?”
So what I want to do, instead of talk about it, is just jump straight into it, talk about the tools you need, prepare you for everything so that we can begin to implement the fixed-term membership site.

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