Cancer And Gum Disease - How Dentists Increase Our Risk Of Cancer

2 years ago

Modern treatments in dentistry can increase our risk of cancer. Watch this video to learn how cancer and gum disease go hand in hand and you should avoid root canals and amalgam tooth fillings.

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Corruption In Dentistry

Dentistry is as evil as Western medicine. Some people know that Western medicine is corrupt and think more about profit than the patient's health. Dentists are not better than doctors.

The American Dental Association is the authority in organized dentistry. It's like the American Medical Association. These organizations tell doctors and dentists what kind of protocol they need to follow. Dentists can only use particular dental procedures.

The ADA and AMA use a licensing system. So if you don't follow the orders, you can lose your license and can't work as a dentist or doctor.

Dentistry is a hardware business. It's a billion-dollar industry. Dentistry is all about drill and fill and dentures. Their profits come from fixing symptoms while ignoring the oral disease.

Preventative dentistry threatens the existence of hardware dentistry. Both doctors and dentists can only survive financially if there's disease. They need to make sure that people don't take care of their health to earn a living. The corruption going on in dentistry does not only apply to America. It's a global problem.

Treating symptoms creates a loop of appointments, medications, and surgeries that creates a fortune for the dental industry. Dentists make most of their money for expensive dental procedures such as root canals.

Root Canals Are Toxic

A root canal removes severe pain in a diseased tooth. Instead of fixing the underlying issue behind the pain, the dentist only drills a small hole in the tooth's center through the top of the chewing surface.

Our organs and glands connect to our teeth through the meridian system. Meridians are energy channels that go through the body. This energy is called chi energy.

Electricity cannot flow through dead tissue. It's like putting a dead battery in your phone. A dead tooth can cause a blockage of the meridian system. And since there's no electric current, there will be problems in your organs because every tooth is connected to a specific organ.

That means that a root canal can cause your organ failure, and removing it can fix it. The blockage caused by root canals can cause many diseases, including breast tumors.

Amalgam Tooth Fillings Are Toxic

Amalgam tooth fillings contain about 50% mercury by weight. Mercury vapor can come from dental fillings after chewing, brushing, or eating hot or acidic foods. Mercury is the most toxic natural material on earth. Toxic tooth fillings are the number one reason people get sick after visiting the dentist.

Mercury is toxic in any amount. There are about four trillion atoms of mercury in one microgram. And only one single atom of mercury is toxic. The average dental amalgam contains about 750-1000 mg of mercury.

Mercury has a laundry list of symptoms, and the worst one is cancer. Any metal that you have in your mouth can act as a battery. And that can interfere with your brain or heart function.

Fluoride Toothpaste

Fluoride is a toxic waste product from the aluminum and fertilizer industry. In some states in America, they put fluoride in the water supply. The reason why some states add fluoride to the drinking water is to reduce tooth decay. But countries with no fluoride in the water do not have more cavities than Americans.

Fluoride interferes with your cellular functioning. Just swallowing 0.5 to 1 mg of fluoride per day can result in serious issues.

Most dentists tell us to brush our teeth two times a day and use fluoride toothpaste. But fluoride toothpaste does not prevent dental disease. If it did, then no one would have oral disease.

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