As Reparations Discussions For Descendants of Freedman Continue, Vultures Begin To Swarm

2 years ago

Vultures are swarming as ADOS/FBA/Freedmen discussions on reparations are gaining traction. We need to make sure we continue efforts to disaggregate ourselves for the purposes of reparations, stiff arm groups and funds positioning themselves to be a shelter for OUR recompense, and call out their bs, as many of these groups are funded by dark money and used to control our opposition to the Democratic Party.

My latest essay on the co-opting attempts on Medium:
As Reparations Discussions For Descendants of Freedman Continue, Vultures Begin To Swarm (Please click on the links in the piece for all the juicy details and leads)

ADOS/FBA/Freedmen need to set up Federations (i.e National and local Jewish Federations), Community Financial Development Institutions (CDFIs), Community Economic Development orgs (CEDs), and Community Economic Development orgs (CEDs), and other vehicles to begin building and to have a track record of managing funds in the event reparations are finally awarded to us. We should also be working with attorneys who are able to engage in civil suits against Uncle Sam and who can act as conservators for people/communities who do not have appropriate financial management vehicles.

Vultures offer help because they see we don't have our ducks in a row. They see our windfall as their grift.
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