Jesus' Final Week According to All Four Gospels - Part Eleven

2 years ago

The 13th day of the Jewish month of Abib

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Jesus' final week according to the four gospels:

Scriptures for reading:


* God had made Jesus both Lord and Christ before Jesus ascended and was glorified in heaven.

* "No one can say, 'Jesus is Lord', but by the holy Spirit" (1Corinthians 12:3).
-- because the Spirit is God's proof that Jesus is Lord, and Christ, His Son, and Savior of the world -- not evidence, proof! There is a difference.

* The baptism of the Spirit is the only proof we have that God has made Jesus both Lord and Christ, because the holy Spirit is God's personal testimony about Jesus, as John said:

"The Spirit is the witness because the Spirit is truth. This is the witness of Good that He has given concerning His Son. He who does not believe God has made Him a liar because he has not believed in the witness that God has given concerning His Son" (1JJohn 5:6, 9, 10).

* But if you receive Good's personal testimony that Jesus is both Lord and Christ, just the opposite is true:

"He who receives his witness has set his seal that God is true" (John 3:33).

* Without the holy Ghost, the most celebrated minister on earth is making God out to be a liar "because he has not believed in the witness that God has given concerning His Son."

* Receiving God's testimony, the holy Ghost, is the ONLY thing that makes you a witness of His Son -- not believing the evidence, but believing God!

* In John 13:3-7, we see Jesus washing the disciples' feet. When Peter asked Jesus, "Lord, do you wash my feet?" Jesus responded, "You don't know now what I'm doing, but later on, you'll understand."

Question: If Peter didn't know what Jesus was doing, then what was Jesus doing?
Answer: He was acting out an attitude he wanted them to have, the attitude of a lowly slave.

* Under the law, everyone who loved and followed Jesus was clean. But there was another kind of cleanness coming by the Spirit which no one except Jesus had experienced.

* Here is how Jesus described the spiritual condition of the disciples:

- They were clean, but they were not sanctified.
- They believed, but they did not believe.
- They belonged to God, but they did not belong to God because they did not yet have the Spirit of God in them.
- They loved Jesus, but the love of Good was not in them.
- They knew that Jesus came from God, but they did not know Jesus.
- They had obeyed god, but there was truth that they could not bear to hear.
- They were not of the world, but they were not in Christ, nor was he in them.

Spiritually, the disciples were like unborn babies, nearing the hour of their birth.

* The very reason Jesus was passing out the wine, and next the bread (at the Last Supper), is because what he was really talking about was not available to them. If the holy Ghost had been available, he would not have done it. The best he could do for them at that time was to act it out, but to act it out was never the point; the point was to receive the real thing.

* When this life is over, we want to be together.

* ... but if we wait until after death to drink of the Spirit together, and share one another's life, it may never happen.

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