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Dr. Peter McCollough - LIVE During His Morning Exercise Routine!

2 years ago

Dr. Peter McCullough joined me on Instagram Live during his morning exercise routine.

We discuss the vaccines, alternative therapeutics, declining immune systems of those who are injected, and more.

You can follow Dr. McCullough's weekly report via this link:


Dr. McCullough can also be found on Twitter:


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Dr. Zelenko has saved thousands of lives through his Z-Stack protocol, and has recently launched Z-DTox which he advises will help prevent blood clots, and help protect those with a compromised immune system, including those who have been vaccinated.

To order Dr. Zelenko's products today, visit the below link, and use referral code MARIAZEEE for 5% off your order:



  • 0/2000
  • Maria, great shows. Keep exposing the vaccine poisons. Right now we've got an ALL HANDS ON DECK alert with the coming farming crisis. Please consider getting some knowledgeable people on your show to warn your viewers about the coming food shortages. AND, someone to talk about VICTORY GARDENS. It's Spring time. We all gotta turn over our back lawns and plant, plant, plant !!!

  • Doctors / GP's have all been ordered by their regulatory body that they aren't allowed to talk about early / alternative treatment. Guess who runs that organisation... The brother of the sitting prime minister. The head of the TGA is named John Skerritt and he banned ivermectin and allowed trial drugs. Now we see the trial results in the 55k page doc drop.. People need to hang for this!

  • I appreciate Dr. McCullough, but again, as a 30yr PCR user, including same PCR test now used to falsify case and death numbers, I have yet to hear a single physician explain how a disease with no clinical diagnosis is being determined, absent the flawed PCR test. MDs are experts in medicine, but have little to no understanding of laboratory molecular biology techniques such as PCR or RNA-seq/Next Gen sequencing, which were and are the two techniques used to create a fraudulent pandemic obvious to some of us by Mar 2020. Worse, SARS2 and covid are likely fully fictitious, just as the so-called spike protein and its Frankenstein mRNA are laboratory bioweapon creations never seen in nature. This is not new information- in 2020, two independent studies of the PCR test and were published in peer-reviewed journals, both of which determined the PCR test to be worthless, and 16 months ago made formal calls for its withdrawal from use.

  • Dr. McCullough is making me feel guilty by exercising and I’m sitting here enjoying my coffee☕️, watching and listening. It’s kind of giving me motivation to go shovel the snow now, thank you!😊⛄️❄️

  • This video is also available on the uncensorable, permanent, distributed, peer-to-peer-network platform LBRY: lbry://@ZeeeMedia#3/Dr.-Peter-McCollough---LIVE-During-His-Morning-Exercise-Routine!-vvz3go#d *** and on the related web portal Odysee: https://odysee.com/@ZeeeMedia:3/Dr.-Peter-McCollough---LIVE-During-His-Morning-Exercise-Routine!-vvz3go:d?r=HCLAAPgYMJ8zCjnm8BFRuxYCLTvj6CHe

  • [08:12] - This man seems to have 100% belief in the accuracy of the PCR test (whose inventor Kary Mulis said it cannot be used as a diagnostic tool for anything, and the CDC said a cold can give a positive PCR result; and we know generally the false positive rate is very high, even for people with no virus or illness at all). He also seems to believe in each of the variants the NWO keeps claiming, such as "Omicron" and "Deltacron" (and the need to take specific pharmaceutical products for these) and he also seems to believe national government v*ccination figures. I stopped listening at about 9 minutes, and I wish Maria would not have this man on the show. He appears to have some controlled opposition red flags, imho.

  • The whole US government is fraudulent.

  • Hi, thanks for the great interview! Can you please tell me where we can get Povidon-Iodine or Hydrogen Peroxide? the one I saw at chemist is for skin or wound, where we can get thoes ones for gargle? And can we use salt water instead?

  • My healthy 21yo nephew waited for Novavax - studying teaching he was 'required' to get jabbed (unbelievable). Two days after 2nd shot he was in hospital diagnosed with pericarditis - for now. He knew better than to get this jab, but he caved to the peer pressure. Big mistake!

  • Doctors took an oath to protect human life, regardless of threat, and by there honour. As soon as they knew it was a trial drug no doctor should have injected without full knowledge of adverse events, and reactions to other drugs. The release at the start of this month, proves there was no information in this regard for the last 2 years. Illegal medical.practice all the way.

  • Methinks Hunters laptop shows involvement with you Crane AND the clovid shot. Hence, the war propaganda on steroids.

  • Maria you are the BEST interviewer.

  • These are poisonous injections NOT vaccines.

  • Just casually breaking out the sit ups mid interview 😂

  • this interview is legendary lol