What the US Really Wants from Southeast Asia

3 years ago

The US attempts once again to “pivot” to Asia - and Southeast Asia in particular - but talk of “engaging” with the region is a smokescreen for yet another push to either co-opt and turn the region against China or divide and destroy the region to spite China.

Focus on nations like Laos and Cambodia - already reaping the benefits of moving out from under the shadow of generations of Western imperialism - are targets of Washington for being pulled back in and subjugated.

These are videos made 3 times weekly (Monday, Wednesday, and Friday) published first for Platinum Sponsors and above, then made public later on in the week. Thank you for your support and making this work possible!


Foreign Policy - Time for America to Play Offense in China’s Backyard:
Bangkok Post - Focus on Laos-China rail amid fruit export hopes:
Bangkok Post - High-speed rail blues:
Bloomberg - Thailand needs hyperloop, not China-built high-speed rail: Thanathorn:
The Phnom Penh Post - Sokha video producer closes Phnom Penh office in fear:
NYT - Who Really Brought Down Milosevic?:
VOA - Cambodia’s Grassroots Opposition Activists Wait for ‘Right Time’ to Re-emerge:
Harvard University’s Atlas of Economic Complexity - Cambodia Exports by Partner 2019:

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