Gorilla Report: why can’t Hillary be prosecuted?

2 years ago

Why can’t Hillary be prosecuted? Because the left in this country cannot wrap their minds around the fact that the entire system is corrupt. If you look at any corrupt society the left will absolutely refuse to believe corruption exist until all the money is gone. It has always taken a financial collapse to finally convince the left that they have been had. “It's Easier to Fool People Than It Is to Convince Them That They Have Been Fooled.” – Mark Twain.
If you are waiting for the left to change it is hopeless. We must move on with out them. They are blind to reality because the left is full of control freaks. Control freaks are like alcoholics and drug addicts they want to be fooled because they believe it puts them in control. Unfortunately, the entire nation must collapse and no money is in their bank account before the left will believe that leadership never cared for them, are not their friends, and would kill them if it means furthering their agenda. The left is hopeless. Those at the top of the left understand this and use it to maximum potential to corrupt the system.

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