2 years ago

Meet my guest, Courtney Geels. About Courtney: I AM A PATRIOT
I work in healthcare, but I am surrounded by family, friends, and neighbors who work in law enforcement, small business, farming, research, finance, and other sectors.
I regularly hear the challenges they face because of our invasive and expansive federal government that has the wrong priorities.

My favorite aspect of nursing is the patient advocate role. Most people have had experiences in the hospital, whether that involved themselves or a loved one. The nurse is the one who assesses and empathizes with your needs and pushes for you to get the care that you need. I hate bad patient care. Usually the things that upset me most at work is something related to injustice in patient care. In the past few years I have found that hospital administrators are making decisions driven by money that directly affect the quality of care I can give a patient. Similarly in current events, I am seeing the government making decisions that are directly affecting us at home and the quality of our lives. A lot of these reasons unfortunately also boil down to money, but they are disguised as social issues. That same passion of wanting to advocate for my family, my community, and my country is what has pushed me to run for office.

We need strong leaders in Congress who will stand up to the liberals and establish policies that benefit North Carolina and our nation, all while refusing to be swayed by monetary benefits.

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