13. Death (Nun Fish) Scorpio

2 years ago

TRUMP card / Major Arcana: 13 - DEATH
Hebrew Letter: NUN (FISH)
Hebrew Value: 50
Ruler: SCORPIO / Kiss of Death

Positive Attributes: transformation, endings, change, transition, letting go, release.

Negative Attributes: fear of change, repeating negative patterns, resisting change, stagnancy, decay.

1st law of thermodynamics (physics) "There is only one energy that cannot be created nor destroyed- only transformed." And I might add, also transmitted.

The scorpion represents that part of ourselves that is willing to protect , and move away from conditions which cause pain and hurt. Letting go.

The snake sheds old skin in order to rebuild anew and grow. This reminds us that in order to transform old identities, we must be willing to let go of the old and move on. This is the driving force behind sexual union.

The Eagle or Phoenix, is about vital force, of immortality and regeneration. The bird in our nature is vital free spirit who is irrepressible and ever changing.

The skeleton represents the inherent body structure that allows movement and change within our self expression as well as, it is the bones of who we are and represents our ancestral lineage and our commitment to grow and evolve through birth/death cycles.

Death is one of the most feared cards in a Tarot Deck, and it is very misunderstood. Many people avoid mentioning this card because it has that much power. Most times, people take the name of the card literally. However, the real meaning within the Death card is one of the most positive in the whole deck.

The Death card signals that one major phase in your life is ending, and a new one is going to start. You just need to close one door, so the new one will open. The past needs to be placed behind you, so you can focus your energy on what is ahead of you.

In certain decks, we see Death riding a beautiful white horse while holding up a black flag with a white pattern. It is portrayed as a living skeleton, the bones being the only part of the human body existing after death. He wears armor, which gives him his invincibility - signaling that no one can destroy Death. The white horse that he rides stands for purity, as Death purifies everyone. Beneath him, all classes of humans lie in the dirt - a king, and a pauper, meant to remind us that death does not differentiate between class, race, gender.

The Thoth Tarot card symbolize this trans formative process as a scythe, a harvesting tool that is also a symbol for Time. Time is under the control of Saturn-Binah, the giver and destroyer of Life Illustrated in the Thoth card is the sweeping scythe, harvesting souls, and the trans-formative bubbles of new life in its wake. The Thoth Tarot depicts a skeleton that can be the symbol of Samhiel -the death god or the Death Goddess, Samothea, both of which, support this analogy of life giving and life destroying.

The skeleton is the frame work that holds the organs and can be seen as a seed of the body as the minerals that are attributed to bone are the "seeds" of organic forms.

The Tarot Experience is a Project linking Organic and Electronic Music with the Tarot Cards Energies. Iv'e created Image Videos to play along with my Music to connect dots within the wonderful World of Astro-Theology and Syncretism "The Holy Sciences". I have created the full Tarot Deck, 78 Videos/Songs, to help connect dots from the Stars to your Body to the way certain energies may manifests.

The first four albums each contains 14 Songs "1 song per Card for it's respective Suit". This project has four albums:

Ace of Cups: Emotional Body: Water (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces)
Ace of Swords: Mental Body: Air (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius)
Ace of Disks: Physical Body: Earth (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn)
Ace of Wands: Spiritual Body: Fire (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius)

Ace of Swords is more of a Trance Electro House Trip-Hop Techno.
Ace of Cups is an Electro-Guitar "No Distortion" type of Groove.
Ace of Disks is an Electro-Lounge
Ace of Wands is what I call Techno-Rock where I have some Rock Distortion intertwined with Electronic music.

I also have 2 Albums that consists of the Trump Cards (Major Arcana)
Trumps (Vol. I):
0 The Fool (Air)
1 The Magus (Mercury)
2 The High Priestess (Moon)
3 The Empress (Venus)
4 The Emperor (Aries)
5 The Hierophant (Taurus)
6 The Lovers (Gemini)
7 The Chariot (Cancer)
8 Strength (Leo)
9 The Hermit (Virgo)
10 Wheel of Fortune (Jupiter)

Trumps (Vol. II)
11 Justice (Libra)
12 The Hanged Man (Water)
13 Death (Scorpio)
14 Art / Temperance (Sagittarius)
15 The Devil (Capricorn)
16 The Tower (Mars)
17 The Star (Aquarius)
18 The Moon (Moon)
19 The Sun (Sun)
20 Aeon (Fire / Spirit)
21 The Universe (Saturn to Earth)

Let these albums guide you into an out of this world experience and check out The Tarot Experience. May be reached at thetarotexperience2020@gmail.com or at paragon.musik.production@gmail.com

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