The Disaggregation of Black People MUST Happen Before We Can Get On Code

3 years ago

Nat Turner only told certain slaves he was planning to revolt because he knew they'd tell the master and get them killed. Harriett Tubman had to leave many slaves behind because they could not see themselves free from their master's plantation. She also had to shoot some folks who got in her way. Slaves afraid to leave the safety and comfort of their master were a danger to those desiring to be free. During the Civil Rights Era, segregationists and integrationists split because they did not agree on which route was best for Black Americans post-Jim Crow. Black people need to think about this before getting upset about the diaspora and gender wars.

Black people must disaggregate in order to get on code and move forward. Let it happen. Watch it happen. Make it about policy and data. Keep it pushing. We're going to be attacked, but it won't be the first time. It's time for Black people to pick a team and stay on it. If you're not fighting White Supremacy, you're going to counter it.

Watch: Black Leaders on Black Journal discuss the same thing back in 1972. Black people have always engaged in disaggregation. Unfortunately, gatekeepers usually win the arguments.

Read your history books. Study how successful revolts happened. Examine the distrust of certain Blacks revolutionaries had of people closest to them. Take note, and get on code.
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