System of Mind Control, Part 2 - They Can Control Innocents

2 years ago

There is a Sliding Scale of Mind Control that starts with Suggestibility Heightened by FEAR and develops at the extreme into Satanic, MK-Ultra Trauma Based Mind Control Programming that involves the most Horrendous Crimes Against Humanity.
In Part 2, I dig further into the Sliding Scale of Mind Control in Society, giving two real-world examples of it. Plus, WHAT are MK-Ultra Victims *Programmed* to DO? The List is LONG and Surprising! #ThesePeopleAreEVIL
The SCOPE of this Mind Control is FAR BIGGER than ANYONE REALIZES!
THIS VIDEO SERIES IS NOT INTENDED FOR ANYONE UNDER 18 YEARS OF AGE. I also strongly recommend AGAINST anyone who is a Sex Abuse or Trafficking victim or survivor, or severe PTSD sufferers from watching this content because it could potentially disrupt your healing process.
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System of Mind Control, Part 1 - UnMask Our Children -
System of Mind Control, Part 3A - Subverting America's Constitution - Their Communist Agenda
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