3 years ago
presents episode 371 | Dr Ben Bikman
DR CASEY MEANS Levels podcast

Glucagon creates upward pressure on glucose levels in blood...'
-a few decades ago, normal glucose was considered:
~anything below 150
~today, that has been lowered to 110, why?
~catastrophic to health?
~a 'wonderful' way to diagnose people &
put them on drugs much, much earlier!

When glucose levels were considered normal up to 150...
-not a lot of people were getting above that, so
-very few people were 'needing drugs'
By lowering the bar, now a lot of people are stepping
over it because it is so low

In insulin resistance and diabetes, it is
-insulin that is causing the problem,
not the glucose
-it is not dumping in urine &
causing unconsciousness; this is rare

The average person is sitting at normal glucose levels,
-yet hyperinsulinemia (elevated insulin) &
-starting to experience:
~cognitive decline (insulin resistance of the hippocampus)
~auditory issues
~fatty liver disease
'These are NOT problems of glucose;
these are problems of INSULIN'

If I see someone on low carb diet &
-insulin at 3 IU/mL & glucose at 100
-this is perfectly healthy range

Chronically elevated glucose can lead to:
-glycation (Hemoglobin A1C tests for this)
-this test basically killed the oral glucose tolerance test
-it was thought it would give better information
'I don't believe at all that this is true'

There is no question that elevated glucose
is a problem, but has never been quantified:
-measuring glycation between 85 & 110
'For now, I pooh, pooh it'

The dynamic test (Hemoglobin A1C) is not the same as the
fasting test (oral glucose tolerance)
-if someone has trouble ordering an oral glucose tolerance test
due to the clinic time required
-you can now do it on your own
(careful, measuring glucose, while insulin
is not measured, but has risen over time) provides continuous
glucose monitors in their program

The static measuring of glucose in the clinic once a year...
-is NOT THE SAME as dynamically measuring glucose
as we eat foods
-someone can see, when eating high carbs, glucose
spikes up to high hundreds...
and stayed elevated for 4 hours!

If someone is insulin resistant...
-another outcome will likely be glucose intolerance
So, you have eaten high carb snack:
-will have high glucose for a long time
-really messy on the way up and down
-all of this noise is a warning sign
-which you don't get when just measuring
once a year at the clinic


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This video’s content is for informational purposes only and
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