It's Only Rock N' Roll #8 - The Reality Show Special!

3 years ago

For thousands of years philosophers, scientists, religious leaders and paid television sciencey "experts" have debated the nature of the universe and reality.

On this week's edition of It's Only Rock and Roll we are finally going to take on and answer the BIG questions.

Why is there something rather than nothing?
What is reality?
Do we live in a simulation?
Is there a multiverse?
Is time travel possible?
Where are all the aliens?
Why do people hate Nickelback?

Joining me will be my executive producer Darius MÃœnchausen
Also joining me from the fictional land of New Zealand will be special guest, time travel and replication expert Captain Cockney Spock.
Further special guests to be announced!

#reality #time #metaphysics #physics #aliens #simulation

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