Ukrainian Expatriate Goes Off-Script During Interview & Humiliates French Propagandists

2 years ago

This is a war between two evil regimes with innocent people tragically caught in the middle. Had the CIA and other American warmongers not executed the Ukranian coup d'état in 2014 none of this would be happening. And it is supremely naïve and foolish to assume that information that runs counter to the narrative pushed by Western corporate media is automatically Russian propaganda. The simplistic picture of this conflict being painted by NWO clowns is: "Putin Bad. Zelensky Good." Yet the raw, unfiltered, empirical truth of the matter is more accurately depicted as: "Putin Bad. Zelensky Bad. The People Endangered. The People Killed. We Don't Know What We Don't Know."

The Biden Administration and the rest of the NWO Cabal are deadset on making this war last as long as possible while ensuring as many people as possible are killed. The warmongers urging Zelensky to bypass diplomatic options and keep poking the bear seem content on adding to the "collateral damage" numbers and their sanctimony is nauseating.

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