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Archbishop Viganó Warns the United States | Lance Wallnau

2 years ago

We have shocking, powerful information we're going to be giving you today about the true nature of the battle that is going on in Europe. You might be surprised at what Archbishop Viganó, one of the great prophets and honest clergymen in the Catholic church, says. He's saying, 'try not to misunderstand where Russia is coming from, and that your enemy might be the European Union as an adversary to sovereign nations. It's a global order trying to take over.'

You don't want to miss this meaningful update on what's REALLY happening as the world is teetering towards a world war.

Podcast #562: Archbishop Viganó Warns the United States | going viral! Listen to more episodes of the Lance Wallnau Show at lancewallnau.com/podcast


  • 0/2000
  • America is already part of the New World Order! Mercedes is right…there are no good guys!

  • The notion that Japan was close to surrendering is not true. They actually never truly surrendered they called it a cease of war because of their pride. Look it up in the World War II museum archives.

  • thank you!!

  • It's deeper than what you described; just like in Vietnam there was no attack on our troops there, we now know there were no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. We have bee lied about events leading to our current situation. During WWII, the US was warned about the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, and NO ACTION WAS TAKEN; there is no doubt they were going to surrender when we attacked.

  • Lance, check this out! https://rumble.com/vy8p3d-ukrainian-military-handbook-found-printed-by-a-soroscia-ngo..html?mref=6zof&mrefc=3

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  • Lance is on form with the coffee. No good guys. I agree with Mercedes. A great combo with both these warriors.

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  • I would like to know your son’s military pedigree. I am always amused by people that say we didn’t need to drop the bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. My father and three uncles served during WWII. One of my uncles was KIA ten months before the bomb was dropped. Would my father or uncles have survived the invasion of Japan? The only exit strategy for war is unconditional surrender by the enemy. Otherwise do not go to war.

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  • There are reportedly, over 300 biolabs around the world that are DOD/NIH-funded! they are POISON all over the world and they should ALL be taken down FOR GOOD!

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  • Thank you for the truth

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  • not going to happen since we have domestic enemies in charge of USA. The Global World Order is an enemy of mankind. No one with old ways of thinking can face new ways to change it all! Nations under God. Freedom & justice for all. The criminals are in charge of the nut house. That is ok, since the nut house is getting pulled down for good. What is left is going to be worthwhile since we are hard workers & have common sense. We are also blessed with the Presence & fire of God, as well.

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  • If Trump were president you would be amazing on his cabinet, Lance!

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