SURPRISE! Members of 'independent' vaxx safety monitoring board have severe conflicts of interest

2 years ago

An independent Data Safety Monitoring Board (DSMB) was formed to ascertain the safety of the genetic injections from the data generated by the clinical trials. The names of members of this board were kept confidential at the time, but by now we know they are.

One of them is dr. Kathryn Edwards. Not only does she have severe conflicts of interest with ALL the involved pharmaceutical companies, but she is also a vaccine True Believer, a distinguished member of the Vaccine Maximization Cult.

NB: Merriam Webster defines 'true believer' as (1) a person who professes absolute belief in something, (2) a zealous supporter of a particular cause.

By making sure that the DSMB contained only the 'right' members, it was clear from the very beginning that these injections would get approved, no matter how unnecessary, unsafe and/or ineffective they were.

Data safety monitoring boards are crucial, not only because normal people do not have the time, inclination or expertise to comb through hundreds of thousands of pages of data, but also because the data were kept confidential from the general public. Therefore, even truly independent scientists who do have the time, inclination and expertise to comb through the data, have been unable to do so until very recently.

Many calls were made for all the relevant safety data to be made public from the very beginning in accordance with the professed goal of transparency by the government agencies and leaders. However, it has taken many lawsuits and freedom of information requests to pry the data loose from the government's jealous hands.

In the end it comes down to the need for the public to trust people who are inherently untrustworthy, because they have severe conflicts of interest and are True Believers who have an absolute, unassailable belief in the necessity, safety and efficacy of all 'vaccines'.


Episode 260 of The Highwire

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