Lucifers Final Kingdom -Full Documentary

2 years ago

*Amos37 does NOT agree with all elements and conclusions in this documentary with prophecy and other events. We are all looking to God to whom we serve. However, it is very well done and makes excellent observations on recent events. Do your own research.

Mystery Babylon in the book of Revelation is Roman Catholicism that will ride (in other words ‘control’) the Beast (which is going to be the Antichrist). The false prophet (who is described as another Beast and/-or the second Beast, whom is also thought of as Antichrist`s ‘right hand’ deceiving the whole world with signs and lying wonders) is most likely going to be the Pope (whoever the Pope will be at that time) and he (the false prophet/the second Beast/the Pope) will cause everyone to worship the first Beast (the Antichrist), and his image, and to receive his mark (666) IN their right hand or IN their forehead. [Revelation 13]

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