The peaceful imposition of truth continues to expose the lies and the agendas of the oligarchs

2 years ago

Our peaceful revolution for truth in this Fourth Turning is exposing the nefarious agendas of the global tyrants. We are winning.

Old School Counselor has no formal connection with The People's Convoy other than as a supporter of their mission.

Old School Counselor (Rev Kev) is the Founder and Pastor of Living a Good Life Church. The views expressed in this video are a reflection of his free exercise of religion.

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Members of Living a Good life Church do not engage in political activities as part of their official capacity as church members. Members speak for themselves as individuals.

"via the collapsing narrative, the credibility of those who have led us into this situation is being buried by the day, and because of that, a unique window of opportunity has opened for all of us for a vast and comprehensive campaign of enlightenment. The objective conditions to enlighten others about the real background to the alleged “pandemic”, about the real balance of power in the world, and the real threats we face, have never been as good as now and they are getting better day by day because the other side are getting entangled in their increasingly unbelievable lies…………..
This means for all of us, that in this exceptional situation we should quite simply, keep the peace, consistently expose all the lies, and show people bit by bit, why, and by whom, they are being deceived. When we do that, and in doing so reflect on the strength of our arguments, then, we can not only solve the current problem, but possibly, achieve something much bigger, namely, use one of the deepest crises of humanity to turn around the direction of human history, and so, open the door to a new (and better) era"

Ernst Wolff

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