Diver jumps in the water with pod of hunting orcas.

2 years ago

These scuba divers in the Galapagos lslands are witnessing something
that few people ever get to see. After they finished their dive, they
climbed out of the water and into a panga, a small inflatable boat that
takes them from the larger cruise ship to their dive site. A pod of orcas
has arrived and they are hunting and attacking a large ocean fish called a
mola mola. The mola mola itself is an incredibly rare sight. This one is in
trouble as it struggles to avoid this pod of killer whales that are biting it.
It is injured and it is not able to dive deep as it would normally do when
threatened. It is defenseless and no match for killer whales, the ocean's
ultimate predator. The mola mola heads for the boat, possibly looking for
a place to hide. The killer whales are also one of the ocean's most
intelligent creatures and they aren't fooled by this attempt. They are also
not shy and they regard the boat and the occupants with curiosity as
they swim beneath. Incredibly, one of the divers asks if he can go in and
the dive master gives him the "go ahead". The diver slips in and stays at
the surface. His air from the previous ive will be very low and he isn't
going to go to any depth. But he cannot resist the urge to get into the
ocean and swim with these amazing animals. Killer whales are not
known for attacking humans. Many people dive with them all over the
world, without incident, and there is no reason for this diver to expect
trouble here. Even so, it's hard to be so confident when there are three
orcas on the hunt with their prey drive fully engaged. It definitely takes
bravery to be so close to one of the ocean's largest and most powerful
carnivores. Even great white sharks will not stay in an area inhabited by.

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