Address by President Volodymyr Zelenskyy dedicated to the 1st month of war Russia against Ukraine

2 years ago

The war of Russia is not only the war against Ukraine. Its meaning is much wider.
Russia started the war against freedom as it is.
This is only the beginning for Russia on the Ukrainian land.
Russia is trying to defeat the freedom of all people in Europe. Of all the people in the world.
It tries to show that only crude and cruel force matters.
It tries to show that people DO NOT matter, as well as everything else that make us people.
That’s the reason we all must stop Russia.
The world must stop the war.
I thank everyone who acts in support of Ukraine. In support of freedom.
But the war continues.
The acts of terror against peaceful people go on.
One month already! That long!
It breaks my heart, hearts of all Ukrainians and every free person on the planet.
That’s why I ask you to stand against the war!
Starting from March 24 – exactly one month after the Russian invasion… From this day and after then.
Show your standing!
Come from your offices, your homes, your schools and universities. Come in the name of peace.
Come with Ukrainian symbols to support Ukraine, to support freedom, to support life.
Come to your squares, your streets.
Make yourselves visible and heard.
Say that people matter. Freedom matters. Peace matters. Ukraine matters.
From March 24.
In downtowns of your cities.
All as one together who want to stop the war.

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