Indoctrination Of America’s Youth

2 years ago

Communist Takeover

Just Ask Richard Blumenthal

These are communist organizations that are operating inside of the United States that you should be aware of:

Communist Organizations Operating In America:

All-African People's Revolutionary Party (A-APRP)

Alliance Marxist-Leninist (North America)

American Indian Movement - Grand Governing Council (AIM-GGC)

American Indian Movement - International Federation of Autonomous Chapters (AIM-IFAC)

Barrio Union (Unión del Barrio)

Black Radical Congress (BRC)

Committee for a Unified Independent Party (CUIP)

Committees of Correspondence for Democracy and Socialism (CCDS)

Communist Party of the USA (CPUSA)

Communist Voice Organization

Democratic Socialists of America (DSA)

For a Better World

Freedom Road Socialist Organization [Fight Back] (FRSO)

Freedom Road Socialist Organization [Freedom Road] (FRSO)

Freedom Socialist Party (FSP)

Green Party of the United States

Heatwave Communist-Anarchist Federation (Heatwave CAF)

Independent Progressive Politics Network (IPPN)

Industrial Workers of the World (IWW)

International Socialist Organization (ISO)

Internationalist Group

Internationalist Notes, other page, Los Angeles Workers Voice

Labor Party (LP)

Labor Standard

Labor's Militant Voice

League for the Revolutionary Party (LRP)

League of Revolutionaries for a New America (LRNA)

Left Green Network

Left Party

Left Turn

Maoist Internationalist Movement (MIM)

National Black United Front (NBUF)

New Democracy

New Liberty Party

New Party

New Union Party

News & Letters Committees

Organizing Committee for the Program of Permanent Revolution

Peace and Freedom Party (PFP), periodical Partisan Prairie Fire Organizing Committee (PFOC)

Progressive Labor Party (PLP)

Progressive ProAction Party

Revolutionary Communist Party (RCP) periodical Revolutionary Worker

Revolutionary Workers League (RWL)

Social Democrats USA (SDUSA)

Socialist Action

Socialist Alternative

Socialist Equality Party (SEP)

Socialist Labor Party (SLP)

Socialist Organizer

Socialist Party USA (SPUSA)

Socialist Workers Organization (SWO) periodical Socialist Viewpoint

Socialist Workers' Party (SWP) periodical Militant Solidarity

The Greens/Green Party USA

United People's Party (La Raza Unida Party)

United States Pacifist Party (USPP)

Unity Organizing Committee (UOC)

US Marxist-Leninist Organization (USMLO) periodical Voice of Revolution

Vermont Progressive Party

Workers Democracy Network

Workers International League (WIL), youth organization

Workers Party U.S.A.

Workers Solidarity Alliance (WSA)

Workers World Party (WWP)

Working Families Party (WFP)

World Socialist Party of the United States (WSPUS)

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