Sunny Happy Doggy Walks with Luna, Frieda and Healey

2 years ago

March 2022, Portsmouth UK.

Luna is 2½ years old. She is a rescue from Romania. She is a lovely and curious dog... and always up for fun !
This was our 7th walk with Luna. We went through Southsea Common, around Southsea Castle where she ran without the lead, and to the beach to try to catch some stones... LOL

Frieda is only a few months old - discovering the world ...
This was our 17th walk with Frieda - although we have been walking her one hour in the morning and one hour in the afternoon. Today, we went through Southsea Centre to the beach where we chilled and sunbathed for a minute - relax ! then, we went to Frieda's favourite spot, Southsea Rock Gardens, before running back home LOL
In the afternoon, we walked and ran in Southsea Gardens, and strolled back home.

Healey is a 5 years old Schnauzer. He is very inquisitive and will not hesitate to ask for treats if he thinks he deserves it... or he just wants one - LOL !
He was named after Denis Healey, English politician with similar eyebrow :D
This was our 7th walk with Healey. After playing hide and seek, we were on our way to the beach. Healey is not a fan of the waves, but likes watching people and smelling every dog in orbit - LOL. We went through the gardens and Southsea Common on the way home...

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