FAUCI SUMMARY VIDEO 30 = Chapter 9, Part G: Blacks to the Front of the Line

2 years ago

Pages 278-322

In simulations of a COVID pandemic, yes you heard that right, in war-game strategies conducted by Bill Gates, Lord Fauci, and our taxpayer-funded intelligence agencies like the CIA, there was anticipated resistance to jabby-jabs from benevolent (but formerly criminally indicted) pharmaceutical companies.

Melinda Gates, as early as April of 2020, talked about how much she worried about the “vulnerable population in Africa”. And in June of 2020, Bill Gates’ then-wife, BOOK Page 307, “…told Time Magazine that, in the United States, Black people should get the COVID-19 vaccine first”.

Wow, it is awesome that they really care.

Fun side-note, did you know that Bill Gates’ dad was on the board of Planned Parenthood - an organization founded by Margaret Sanger, who believed in eugenics and the sterilization of people who were “un-fit” for society including black people? Look it up! :D

So in war-game simulations of a world-wide pandemic that they were planning there was resistance from African Americans to taking the shot. So Daddy Doctor Fauci, BOOK Page 307, “…scolded resistance in the Black community, saying, “The time is now to put skepticism aside.”

With ZERO actual evidence of studies demonstrating the safety of the vaccines, he said… BOOK Page 307, “The first thing that you might want to say to my African brothers and sisters is that the vaccine you’re going to be taking was developed by an African-American woman - and that’ sjust a fact”.

Is it just me or is that cringe-worthy? I mean, you’re telling people to believe something is “safe” just because someone with the same color of skin developed it? That’s just scary wrong in my opinion.

Three well-know African American celebrities died soon after taking the jab, Cicely Tyson, Marvin Hagler, and rapper Earl Simmons (DMX) - however - soon thereafter our bought-and-paid-for medical establishment, the worthless CDC, and Bill-Gates funded “fact checkers’ rushed in the quelch anyone raising the alarm.

Also concerning, was the large amount of African political leaders who were against the vaccine being injected into their entire population, who suddenly died. Soon after critiquing the Gates’-funded World Health Organization, SEVENTEEN heads of state suddenly died.

Was there any possibility that they were 86ed by our government? Nooooooo! The United States and our intelligence agencies don’t kill people who go against the narrative. :D

When it comes to Africa and even the Black community in the United States, the focus on jabbing people full of un-researched particulates versus putting money and resources towards things like nutrition and poverty-alleviation, is causing a health crisis. The prioritization of jabby-jabs for people is diverting resources from what actually keeps people ALIVE. You need food and good clean water before a “vaccine” will save your life. Period.

More in the next installment!

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