A WIND WARRIOR WITH THE GRIP OF A TITAN! | Project Ascension | World of Warcraft | Progression

2 years ago

In this video we check out the new Wind Rager legendary enchant on League 3 and combine it with Titan's Grip, Wind Strike, Bloodrage and Slice and Dice to try and create the ultimate wind warrior! This build has absolutely insane AoE dps and we nail an absolutely insane weapon upgrade that completely changes the build for the better - and pushes us towards a brand new specialization.

Server: Mal'ganis

📱 If you missed the last video make sure to check it out first here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d-8VhsizjO0

🗡 Project Ascension - World of Warcraft
⚔️ PLAY HERE: ascension.gg

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🎵 Music:
DJ Nautilus - WoW Remix - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=369emX5hYSQ&t=27s
OSRS Remixes - OSRSBeatz - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCs1rnF_c_VSg74M5CQ-HKWg

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🧙🏻‍♂️ SHOUT OUT TO THE MEMBERS OF MY CHANNEL (thank you!) 🧙🏻‍♂️
-Sara Hedberg
-D.C. Gold
-Christian Gaadgard
-Gage Kirk
-Knowledge Seekers
-Patrik Csonka
-Erik Schmidt
-Paul Carpenter Jr.
-Mohammed Mana Bin Qutami
-Leondre Morgan
-Per Ståhl
-Claus Jepsen
-Nacho Realname
-Patrik Csonka


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