2017 PAX West Superhero Panel Discussion

2 years ago

This is the full 2017 PAX West video of the presentations and discussion that occurred during the event. The video was recorded by the Ship of Heroes team, but it includes the materials and comments presented at PAX by all three panelists: Casey McGeever, CEO of Heroic Games; Chad Du Lac, COO of Silverhelm Studios, and Nathaniel Downes, President of Missing Worlds Media. The moderator is Bicycle Walrus, the founder of DM21 Gaming. Each of the speakers represents a studio that is creating a new superhero MMORPG: Ship of Heroes, Valiance Online, and City of Titans, respectively. All three initiatives are inspired to some degree by the now-closed MMO City of Heroes. Each of the three has its own unique vision and process, as shown in the video.

Ship of Heroes is a superhero MMORPG currently under development in the Unreal 4.15 engine. SoH is expected to begin Alpha tests at the end of 2017. Come visit our site at https://www.shipofheroes.com to learn more.

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