Venomous fish camouflages so perfectly you can barely see it

2 years ago

Scorpionfish are a family of highly venomous bottom dwelling fish that have sharp spines coated with a very venomous mucous. Many of the world's most venomous fish belong to this family. They are widespread through tropical and temperate seas and oceans around the world.

While they are common throughout the Atlantic and the Pacific oceans, they are seldom seen by people. This is largely because their camouflage is so perfect that they blend in flawlessly with the coral and rocks in their surroundings. One of the greatest dangers for people is that these fish are difficult to avoid because they look like the bottom that they rest on. These fish are also likely to lie still and avoid moving, relying in their ability to go unnoticed.

Unfortunately for humans, the venom of the scorpionfish is highly potent, causing extreme pain, nausea, vomiting, and occasionally, death. Symptoms come on rapidly and the sting itself is a painful one. Those who are stung and do not seek medical attention within a few hours can be at serious risk.

Scorpionfish are ambush predators that remain motionless until a smaller fish ventures too close to their mouth. The scorpionfish can lunge forward quickly and inhale rapidly, allowing them to capture an unwary fish in the blink of an eye.
Scuba divers in Belize have found this beautiful specimen lounging on a coral head in shallow water. these are exciting fish to see because getting a close look at one is rare. They are so easily passed over without being observed that divers will stop and have a good look, pointing these fish out to other divers as they do so. It's also a matter of safety to make sure that other divers are aware so that they do not inadvertently touch these fish. There are many good reasons for scuba divers to avoid touching the reef. This is just one of them.

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