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Politicians Lie!

2 years ago

Politicians lie, everyone knows this. However, they do their best not to be caught in an outright lie. So, for example, if they are asked a question by a canny interviewer that, answered truthfully, would embarrass or undermine them, their party or their party's principal sponsors, they will do their best to avoid responding directly. They will answer another question, they will bluster and prevaricate, they will say they cannot reply because of legal considerations and that they will answer the question at some future time when they have all the information.

Politicians would rather not have to do this. They always look shifty when they refuse to answer questions and they know it. They invariably look as though they are hiding something, which, of course, they are.

So, they would much rather use another tried and trusted way to deceive us. They would much rather keep the embarrassing facts to themselves. If they brush the stark realities under the carpet, the discomforting questions never get asked in the first place!

And, if information that might jeopardise the precious narrative does emerge, because it has, until then, been successfully hidden, they will be able to claim that the whistle-blower who unearthed the data is a conspiracy theorist, a purveyor of disinformation, a gullible fool, insane, criminally inclined, in Russia or China's pocket, a racist even, and, most effectively of all, someone whose foolish opinions really ought to be cancelled.

Did you have your children vaccinated? Did you do so based upon what you we being told by the government? Did you really not know that they were never at risk? If you didn't that would be because you were assured that opinions such as those that follow were invalid and that the many thousands of scientists and health professionals were thinking exactly similar thoughts were, actually, just one or two disgruntled cranks and agitators.

If you had known that governments throughout the world were censoring opinions that didn't coincide with the Lockdown and vaccine narratives, would you have wanted to know what those opinions were? Wouldn't you have wanted to have all sides of the argument aired so that any decision you subsequently made was fully informed?

Those who, with malice aforethought, kept such needful information from you, ensured that the vast majority were never 'fully informed.' Why would they act this way if they were so certain that what they were doing was right? Why would they threaten to terminate the employment of doctors, nurses and care workers if they dared to tell us all what they were actually seeing, every day, in our hospitals and care homes? Why would they insist that these be vaccinated or face the sack? Why would they threaten to terminate the sponsorship of learned scientists who dare to challenge the establishment narrative?

The learned men and women cited here may know the answer...

1 Comment

  • 0/2000
  • My apologies to any who have been misled by some information in this video. The gentleman whom I designate as Dr. David Wiseman is, in fact, critical care doctor, Dr. Paul Marik. My humble apologies also to these venerable gentlemen.

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