Confirmation Pre Constantine Be Sealed with the Gift of the Holy Spirit II

2 years ago

Acts 10:38 St. Peter speaks of “Jesus of Nazareth: how God anointed him with the Holy Ghost“.
Baltimore Catechism defines Confirmation as a Sacrament through which we receive the Holy Ghost to make us strong and perfect Christians and soldiers of Jesus Christ.
Baltimore Catechism distinguishes between Baptism and Confirmation eloquently, “In Baptism we are made Christians, but we are not very strong in our faith till the Holy Ghost comes in Confirmation. You remember how timid the Apostles were before the coming of the Holy Ghost, and how firm and determined in their faith afterwards; and how fearlessly they preached even to those who crucified Our Lord. “Soldiers” because we must fight for our salvation against our three enemies, the devil, the world, and the flesh. Our Lord is our great leader in this warfare, and we must follow Him and fights as He directs. A soldier that fights as he pleases and not as his general commands, will surely be beaten.

Unfortunate disconnect modern sense of Confirmation lost sense of milites Christi soldier of Christ substituted with weak adult Christian. Not 100% in error. Adult makes autonomous decision. Soldier does not make autonomous decisions, follows a superior.

Some refer to Confirmation as graduation. Old Model bishop strike Confirmandi on cheek, 2 levels of goodness. Bishop as a father disciplines his children. Also, concept of soldier receiving first strike from someone who loves them as opposed to one who does not. Submission is a goodness, lost. Strengthened for what as an adult? Strengthened as a soldier knows it si for combat.

Many can feel an oppressive spiritual warfare but have lost this, the language how to express this warfare.

Disarmament not taking hold of the spiritual weapons, Rosary, Ephesians 6.

III. HS/laying on of hands in OT
The laying on of hands was a familiar religious action to the Jew of the first century. In the Old Testament it signified the bestowal of a spiritual gift, a blessing, healing or appointment to a particular function. Our Lord is recorded to have laid his hands in blessing on the children brought to Him.

IV HS goal of JC, expedient that I leave Jn 16:7

7Nevertheless I tell you the truth; It is expedient for you that I go away: for if I go not away, the Comforter will not come unto you; but if I depart, I will send him unto you. KJV

Lk 24:49 And behold, I send the promise of my Father upon you; but stay in the city, until you are clothed with power from on high

Just as a body needs fortification after birth, so too does the spiritual body. TA

Our Lord would never provide only sufficient. Baptism is sufficient necessary grace for heaven, not sufficient for the combat. Completion, what is it for? Our own catechesis so much stone for bread. Language peace nicks had trouble with militaristic language within the Church. Great disservice, we do not live in Eden. Past 25 years horror show of slaughter of Christian doctrine. Forced to kneel and yield of secular doctrine. Appearance of bowing before more powerful force. Tonic appeasement was peace. Need a firm understanding, strengthening given Sacrament of Completion speak to truth to a more powerful force.

Must use the gift given, talents given must be used or they are surrendered.

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