RFK Publisher Calls The Real Anthony Fauci “A Blueprint for Congressional Investigations”

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Publisher calls RFK, Jr. book: “a blueprint for congressional investigations”

This episode of The Bill McIntosh Show is sponsored by the explosive new book by Robert F Kennedy Jr The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health. Order your copy today at https://amzn.to/36D0LLg.

Tony Lyons, publisher of RFK, Jr.'s book The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health sat down with Bill McIntosh recently to discuss the attempts by the big media and the book distribution retail establishment to torpedo this book and block it's path to success. 

Tony Lyons has published over ten thousand titles through his Skyhorse publishing operation. He prides himself on bringing both sides of major controversies to the public square. This approach that has been steadfastly avoided by big media and most notably so since 2016. Skyhorse's publication of both The Case Against Impeaching Trump, by Alan Dershowitz and THE CASE FOR IMPEACHING TRUMP by Elizabeth Holtzman illustrates Lyons’ libertarian outlook about contributing competing opinions to America’s public discourse on major topics of national interest.

The Covid 19 Pandemic for many required no less than obsequious compliance with government mandates but was deemed fair game for opposing views by Skyhorse. Witness their release of The Case for Mask Science-Based Advice for Living During the Coronavirus Pandemic by Dean Hashimoto and its counterpoint argument in the Skyhorse book The Case Against Masks - Ten Reasons Why Mask Use Should be Limited by Judy Mikovits and Kent Heckenlively.

The Real Anthony Fauci, however, is considered by Tony Lyons to be a standout in terms of its towering scholarly research buttressing the case against Fauci and the unreasoned, visceral reaction opposing it. Lyons stated:

"…I mean, it's really a landmark book. And that's why I think nobody has been willing to give it a serious review. Because they can't easily counter it. I mean, it's got 2194 citations that are being updated constantly. You know, this is 220,000 words. Robert F. Kennedy, you know, so so all these people did come out, when the book came out about 10 major newspapers came out with hit pieces, trying to in any way they could, trying to detract from, from his possible reach, trying to tear him down trying to, you know, defame him just to hurt the chances of that book and the messages in the book getting out there. But it was crazy, because I actually spoke to some of the people who put out some of those stories. And none of those people read the book.

First of all, one of them contacted me to try to find out, you know, this, this was about two weeks ago, in the New York Post, Somebody contacted me and they were trying to figure out after saying that the book was was was a terrible book and that it wasn't going to sell. Then, six weeks later, the same newspaper can't contact me trying to find out how much money Bobby Kennedy's making on this book. So I'd so I told them right away.

Hey, look, the book has sold 900,000 copies, but your story has no legs to it. There is no story here because Bobby Kennedy is donating 100% of the money to charity. I was incredibly clear. I emailed it to him. I confirm that they got it. And their headline remain the same. Robert F. Kennedy Jr. makes millions on his anti Fauci book."

Concerning how bad the freeze out from the media was, Lyons was asked to contrast The Real Anthony Fauci rollout with the starkly different case of the book by former Trump attorney Michael Cohen DISLOYAL: A MEMOIR. The September, 2020 publication of Cohen's broadside against President Trump was met with the enthusiasm of a school of voracious piranhas lighting onto a bloody carcass.  Lyons commented:

"So September of 2020, we published Mike Cohen's book Disloyal. And when we announced that, everybody in the world came to us asking to interview him; asking for a sample copy, asking him for a pre publication copy of it. So we were just inundated with emails, just how much time it was, it was instant. Everybody was trying to track us down. It was it was actually oppressive, in that there were so many people pushing to get access to that book.

So that and access to Michael Cohen, there was it was like a feeding frenzy. I mean, everybody in the media, wanted him, wanted the story, wanted anything. Wanted any hint of the allegations in the book against Trump. And it was so incredibly strong. And you contrast that to what happened with Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Way. It was just silence. It was crickets. I mean, nothing. No, amazing"

One of the worst focal points of suppression, besides being blocked from interviews, advertisements in the New York Times and on big tech platforms had to have been book selling giant, Barnes & Noble where The Real Anthomy Fauci was conspicuously absent in stores and at best could be obtained only by ordering it for later delivery. Disloyal, however, was available 8 weeks before the presidential election and visible throughout:

 "So the the fascinating thing is that the Michael Cohen rollout was perfect. I mean, everybody wanted it. So you take Barnes and Noble took something like 150,000 copies of Michael Cohen's book Disloyal... So when you walked into a Barnes and Noble store, you saw Michael Cohen's book Disloyal stacked everywhere, just playing on the front table on the new and noteworthy table on the new nonfiction table, just... hundreds of copies in every single store, right? 

Lyons continued:

"So then you contrast that with Robert F. Kennedy Jr's book, right? You walk into a Barnes and Noble on the first week of publication, and we were begging them to take copies, we were telling them, 'Look, this is going to be an incredible book, this is going to be something that's a real event in American history, that the claims that he's making are, are so serious and so deep, and they show such incredible corruption'. And we could not get them to take anything but a token quantity, basically, for their online stores. So in that first few weeks, you could walk into a Barnes and Noble, and there's nothing on the front table. There's nothing in the new and noteworthy books, there's nothing in the new nonfiction books, you go and ask the clerk. And they say, ‘sorry, it shows that we have one copy. But but we can't find where that one copy is’. So but if you look at it, the fascinating thing is that the sales in that first week were very similar. And the sales in the second week were very similar.

So despite this total media blackout, this this boy, I mean, essentially Barnes and Noble boycotted this book. So they just botched it. Okay, good. So, so [they] took a very small quantity. But they were they were acting in a way that clearly wasn't good for sales. It was clearly a book after a week that was selling really well. And, you know, they should have just come in for 50,000 or 100,000. Then but they didn't. And the same thing. With small privately owned bookstores, all around the country. They were all begging for copies of Michael Cohen's book Disloyal. They were begging for them. They were they were actually there was a Twitter storm that happened right around then, where all of the small privately owned bookstores, were claiming that we weren't being fair that we were giving too many copies to Barnes and Noble or to Amazon, and they wanted their fair share.

Remarkably, despite the collective media and retail establishment cold shoulder to RFK, Jr.’s book, his Anthony Fauci expose racked up incredible sales and achieved #1 best seller status on Amazon even without major media reviews and virtually a wall to wall media blockade with the exception of a Tucker Carlson and interviews with shows like Theo Von. Lyons has also joined the media effort granting interviews and assisting Robert F. Kennedy Jr. with media appearances in place of RFK, Jr. who contracted Covid 19 shortly after the book launch and who has been involved in an important court case.

Lyons detailed the surprisingly robust results of The Real Anthony Fauci book launch that defied attempts to quash it and the eerie media shut out:

“So in the first week, it sold more than 100,000 copies. So anytime that that would happen with any other publisher, you would be getting calls from every major newspaper, they would be trying to get all kinds of little tidbits of information so that they could tell some side of the story, you would have TV shows desperately wanting to have Robert F. Kennedy Jr. on the show to describe, you know what his claims are?

And that's the amazing thing is that nobody has contradicted any of them. I mean, we all know. Couldn't Dr. Fauci get on to every major TV show, bring a whole panel of experts in and disprove if it was humanly possible, every claim in this book? And you know, that's how democracy is supposed to work. You know, that a private person does an incredibly well researched book that has blurbs by doctors, scientists, lawyers, a Nobel Prize winning scientist [who] said this was a great book, gave it a really glowing blurb.

So anytime you would have that there would be pressure to answer these claims. I mean, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. is saying that Anthony Fauci is corrupt, that he's prioritized money and these financial entanglements over public health and that people have died because of his decisions. And nobody is responding to that at all. Other than letting Dr. Fauci go on television and say, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. is disturbed, you know, that's his answer.

Lyons considers this book a basis for getting to the bottom of the big pharma, big media and Anthony Fauci/CDC-NIAID troika involved with driving Covid 19 treatment, containment & vaccination policies:

But these are serious claims, well documented claims. And in this country, there needs to be a process where people have to be held to account. And so what I think is in this book, this book, the real Anthony Fauci, by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. This is a blueprint for congressional investigations.

So that, you know, Anthony Fauci has to answer the allegations in this book, it's not enough to just avoid it. It's not enough to say it's misinformation, or he's dumb, or he's disturbed. That's not in a democracy. You can do that in a fascist country, where you can just say, hey, you know, Dr. Fauci says, I am science. So anything that contradicts me is, you know, obviously, anti science, it's obvious. But that isn't good enough here. You know, that's not the way it's supposed to happen here.

Obtain this book The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health at this link and buy a copy for family too: https://amzn.to/36D0LLg

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