The Five Freedoms

2 years ago

There are Five Freedoms that are important to claim as yours. Creative Freedom, God created you and me in His likeness and image.

You want to create and contribute, but you must learn how to cash in on your creation.

Create Freedom for yourself. Earning money creates money freedom. When you’re in your creative freedom your work doesn’t feel like work. Create a book. Create an invention. Create everything you want.

The next freedom is awareness freedom. You were born with infinite genius. I want you to think more than you ever have. Read everything you can to boost your genius.

You also want to have relationship freedom. Freedom to express your best in a relationship and contribute to each other.

Time freedom is the next freedom. When you schedule your time in a way that allows time for each task, you create a lot more free time, and time freedom. Money freedom is the next and important freedom.

Money freedom is at the top of the list for some people, but you must have all of these together for money freedom to happen.

That’s when you start to make all the money you want and have money freedom and money independence, which pays for your time freedom, enhances your relationship freedom.

Awareness freedom is what it takes to use the five freedoms hierarchy up and down to create your greatest life freedom.

#thefivefreedom #createfreedom #createfreedomforyourself

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