Trudeau HUMILIATED on World Stage

2 years ago

Trudeau is a disgrace to Canada.

He has been humiliated in front of the world based on his dictatorial actions and is an embarrassment to every Canadian. He is shunned by the world leaders and is a liability for the stability and future of this country.

He has been involved in ethics scandals, kickback scandals, sexual harassment scandals, racism scandals, he denounces his own citizens by calling them racists and misogynists and labels democratic rights as "unacceptable views".

The world leaders want nothing to do with him. They despise him and what he has done to the people of this country.

Every day he remains in his position, Canada sinks deeper in the eyes of the world.

God bless our freedom, God bless Canada, and God bless the leaders of the world for coming forward and speaking the truth on Trudeau for all to hear. We Canadians cannot do it. We would be labeled terrorists and our bank accounts would be made inaccessible.

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