Dr. Andrew Kaufman (Part 2/4) Scientism: The 'Religion' Known As 'Science' With Dr. Stefan Lanka

2 years ago

[24.03.2022] Note: So who is Dr. Stefan Lanka? - WAKE THE FUCK UP! Stop Trusting (and See) the Satanic 'Predictive Programming MKultra' and 'Social Engineering' lying MSM, These Satanist are comming for the Children (also with the Sick LGBTQIA+ Pedophile Agenda) - Do your own Fucking own Research! - https://duckduckgo.com/?q=dr+steven+lanka&t=h_&ia=web

'Dr. Stefan Lanka is interviewed by Martin Davies about the COVID-19 virus. Dr. Stefan Lanka questions the ‘religious’ belief system that we call science. Dr. Lanka explains how mainstream science is sorely lacking any real proof of the Coronavirus isolation and puts pandemic fears to rest for those with ears to hear.
[December 19, 2020]'

Professor William Lutz C-SPAN 1989 Interview: What is Doublespeak, NPM- and NewSpeak? [1989]

Problem-Reaction-Solution: https://duckduckgo.com/?q=problem+reaction+solution&t=h_&ia=web

Predictive Programming (MKultra) https://duckduckgo.com/?q=predictive+programming+mkultra&t=hx&va=g&ia=web
Social Engineering: https://duckduckgo.com/?q=social+engineering&t=hx&va=g&ia=web

Mass Psychosis: https://duckduckgo.com/?q=Mass+Psychosis&t=h_&ia=web
Cognitive Dissonance: https://duckduckgo.com/?q=cognitive+dissonance&t=h_&ia=web
The Viral Delusion (Part 1) Behind The Curtain of The PLANdemic & The Pseudoscience of SARS-COV-2 [21.03.2022]
The Untold Story Behind The Pandemic. The doctors, scientists and journalists featured in THE VIRAL DELUSION examine in detail the scientific papers that were used to justify the pandemic, and what they find is shattering. In this shocking, five-part, seven hour documentary series, they explode every single major claim, from the "isolation" of the virus to its so-called genetic sequencing, from the discovery of how to "test" for SARS-CoV2 to the emergence of "variants" that in reality, they explain, exist only on a computer. Their point: that the so-called SARS-CoV-2 virus exists only as a mental construct whose existence in the real world has been disproven by the science itself.
TERRAIN - The Film (Part 1 & 2 'Passing the Torch') [12.02.2022]
- Does 'Viruses' exists? (No)
- Does all people have an 'immune system'? (no)
- What is a 'Virus' and a 'Dis'-ease?
- Do you have an 'Dis'-ease?
- What is 'Cancer' and how do I cure it?
- Do you take Pharmakeia 'Medicine'?
- Do you trust the 'Science' alá Big Pharma?
- Who has the 'liability' for all 'medicine' to the people?

Timeline + Content:
00:00:00 Commercials/Advertisement
00:32:00 Terrain - The Film 'Part 1'
01:32:00 So Who is Dr. Stefan Lanka PH.D? + Commercials
01:40:00 Introduction + Roundtable Discussion with Cast Members + Commercials
02:47:00 Introduction to Part 2 by David Icke
03:02:00 Terrain - The Film Part 2: 'Passing the Torch' + Commercials
04:15:00 Live Q & A with Marcelina Cravat and Andrew Kaufman, M.D

The End of Germ Theory... TERRAIN exposes the tyrannical world PLANdemic hoax, built upon the flawed model of illness and disease known as Germ Theory.

Source and more links for verification:
DrAndrewKaufman - 2935 subscribers

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