2 years ago


Not sure I agree with this 100%. What is happening in America seems more like Fabian Communism/Marxism. To me the Khazairan mafia is more of a demonic marxist regime. The Nazi party flourished and so did Germany during 1932 and 1943. No pronouns, indoctrination in schools, LGBTQ, PORN/Drag Queens in schools, Abortion clinics, Critical Race Theory etc etc. To the contrary the German ppl were for the most part Christians with moral values. Russia was a communist death regime taken over by Bolshevism so it would seem logical for many Ukraine people to side with Germany. The NWO, WEF, and the globalist banking mafia are not National Socialist. It is very complicated I agree. IMO the hijacked name of the NEO-Nazi is still being vilified to this day. We all know that the Ukraine group of fighters are not National Socialist but pawns of the Marxist NWO. The paradigm has shifted now. The West (America) are now the ones who have been infiltrated by the same marxist group that infiltrated Russia in the early 1900's. We are rotting from within and have expanded our tenticles to Ukraine for all of our dirty habits. That is why these labels make 0 sense. Regardless this is all one big show and we are all headed to this NWO if humanity does not wake up. Putin was complacent in the vaccine genocide so any idea of him fighting against the NWO is a myth at best. IF Hitler was actually controlled opposition then we are seeing history repeat itself. Just maybe Ford/Bush/Big Oil were on to something trying to turn America into what Germany was in the 1930's. Could it be any worse than where we are at now? I would rather be a National Socialist then a Marxist. Who knows.....I think it is meant to be confusing on purpose.

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