Dr. Ben Marble - Modifying your genes without your informed consent is a War Crime!

2 years ago

Dr. Ben Marble talks with Owen Schroyer about the poison jabs. Dr. Ben Marble correctly points out that modifying your genes without your informed consent is a WAR CRIME! (i.e. NAZI MEDICINE!)

If you took the COVID-19 "vaccines", did you know that the COVID-19 "vaccines" were actually a gene therapy? If not, a war crime has been committed against you.

Owen also shows a video of Dr. Ryan Cole talking with Steve Kirsch about the blood clots he pulled from one of his patients. Full-artery/vein blood clots are a known deadly side-effect of these POISON SHOTS! Yet, our EVIL government agencies HAVE HID THE SIDE EFFECTS FROM THE AMERICAN PEOPLE! THIS IS A CRIME AGAINST HUMANITY!

What our government is doing is NO DIFFERENT FROM THE NAZI's DURING WW2.

How does it feel knowing that our government is RUN BY EVIL NAZI's?? Our society seems to be BRAINWASHED/GASLIT to this CRIME.

May God give me the patience to help others understand this CRIME AGAINST HUMANITY and this DEMOCIDE.

I have to remind myself from time to time to have patience as people come to learn how EVIL this government and their global partners are as I try to educate others on the real science.

Please spread the word, write to your representatives, and tell your family and friends to PLEASE stop taking these poison shots!

If your family or friends are in need of good MDs for treatment, please refer them to myfreedoctor.com. Dr. Marble and the team there are doing great work!

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