The Patriot Hour: Spygate 101 [Basic Information] What Goes Around! [19.03.2022]

2 years ago

'The In and Outs Of Spygate Scandal'

Outthebag, 3 days ago:
I'm an old school member from your tube days, your channel is top class and you were one of the first truthers out there mike!. The community was electric with a very high vibration and knowledge about everything, sadly that has disappeared, because of the lack of action and mainly because we have all lost loved ones during the worst attack on humanity this holographic simulation has ever come up against!.. I speak for everyone who has been awake throughout this and say, we have endured enough abuse from family members who failed to listen to us and took the injections, many have perished and we are broken!..
how much more have we got to lose?? More kids and loved ones?
All our wealth and belongings?. We say enough is enough, give us bruised and battered patriots something major to keep us going please, or everything you know and love will go up in smoke with all of ours!. ??
Stay safe x

The Patriot Hour
Published March 19, 2022

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