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Warining from Putin

2 years ago

1 Comment

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  • According to Putin the west have turned away from their agreed plans i.e. Putin(Russia)n+ XI ping(CCP China) & Biden(USA) + other Globalist member countries - E.U & UK etc and have betrayed Putin ....according to Putin he have kept his part faithfully. Even Putin is also back stabbed by these ' Cold blooded Reptilian Brotherhood' Globalist apart from us , to achieve per their agenda a couple of things : Break the dollar, break the Euro, bring in RECESSION, Famine, Poverty, in order to install their NWO as per the FREEMASONS & the Jesuit Order....fulfilling the bible's prophecies of the 'LAST DAYS' - 1.Revelation 13: - 2 beasts. One (Main) raising up from Europe & the 2nd from the USA enforcing all humans to worship the the 1st Beast. So soon the low profiled (for the moment ) Pope (8th) will be in the headlines to confound the the Christian Religion - to cause division in Christianity to thwart Protestantism & to Catholicize all form of Christianity i.e. using Protestantism as the major cause of world disorder & division as the Catholic's excuse. History once again repeats itself in this cause - those who don't adhere & swear allegiance to the head of the Roman Emperor/Pope will be prosecuted, executed without the right of defense, & considered as heresy & blasphemy to the supposed ' Vicarious fili Dei' - the famous ' Harlot' of the Bible. Even the bible will as before - only authorized religious ranks can hold or carry the bible....the vaccine mandate is the precursor for this soon coming reality....those that stood firm against the mandate & are true Christians they're self righteous & are integrated beings always respecting their conscience at all times....but for those who ceded & bent to the vaccines, there's time to reconsider oneself & their faith to God. Nothing is completely lost yet for it is not a choice between God(YHWH) & Man( the Beast - 666) ...there's still a very little time to change one's choice, & between Life eternal & Death Eternal.