The Capitalist Conspiracy

3 years ago

Made in 1969 by G. Edward Griffin, a man who has been a leader in the Freedom Movement since 1950, his classic documentary traces the history of a small group of thirteen Edomite central banking families who seized control the world's entire monetary system in 1913. It shows how the unlimited wealth of these inbred families comes from fraudulently creating unbacked, unredeemable (counterfeit) U.S. currency that they have been given the power to conjure into existence anytime they want to.
It also demonstrates how that, even in the 60s, well-informed Americans such as Griffin were already aware of the fact that these evil families wielded an unbelievable amount of power and control over the rest of humanity by and through their ownership and/or control of government, corporations, academia, health care, and mass media, which they spent the last 100 years buying at no cost to themselves.
See my essay on The Thirteen Families:

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