Are you acting like the CEO of your family?

2 years ago

You know something moms don’t like to do?

Let the kids take responsibility for a good portion of the family-functioning chores.

It’s heresy! Moms are supposed to manage the family! They’re supposed to do everything! Heaven forbid they outsource any food prep, vacuuming, baby dressing, or toilet scrubbing to their own kids!

Um, how did we get into this rut and why can’t we break out of it?!

Here’s what we’re going to do today: Kick you up over that ditch, back onto the road to a lighter life, and give you some specific delegation strategies to use with your kids.

What you’ll learn:
• Why doing it all is a myth
• How does that imaginary superwoman cope?
• The real reason why you need to get some boundaries in place

One day, you’ll look around at your life – your to-do list, your task planner – and you won’t recognize it compared to what you’re living now.

It’s so free!
Your kids are so responsible!
You actually have time to strategize about what outings you want to take the kids on or which enrichment opportunities would best suit each kid!

All because you have the time.

Thinking, upleveling your family, filling your own buckets – these all take time. And that’s what you just bought yourself through delegation.

So now, let’s get you going. You’re almost there.

Your #momlife is going to start getting lighter from here on out.

Go delegate.

You’ve got this!

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